The evidence.

The evidence.

Less irritating than water

Less irritating
than water

95% of women use skincare, but 70% report sensitised skin.
As stem cell biologists, we set out to solve this issue.

95% of women use skincare, yet 70% report sensitised skin. So as stem cell biologists, we realised we could solve this issue.

The Biology Serum™ outperforms even de-ionised water.
It's an industry first. And for those who struggle with irritation or sensitive skin, it’s a game changer.

This is a skincare industry first. And for those with sensitive skin, it’s a game changer.

Clinical Study

Clinical Study

Lower scores indicate less skin irritation.

Lower scores indicate less skin irritation.

Scientific Evidence

Scientific Evidence

Less Toxic Than Water

Less Toxic Than Water

Less Toxic Than Water

Too much hydration, or ‘locking-in moisture’ is toxic to the skin barrier. This hydro-disruption makes it prone to roughness, dryness, product irritation and perhaps infection. 


Our cells have a more delicate barrier (membrane) than the skin barrier there to protect them. So we made The Biology Serum less barrier (and cell) toxic than water. Another first for those who need improved high quality moisturisation. 


The Biology Serum gives you all-day hydration and lets your skin breath healthily again. Its’ a natural approach to a better looking and functioning skin barrier that combats dryness. 

Too much hydration, or ‘locking-in moisture’ is toxic to the skin barrier. This hydro-disruption makes it prone to roughness, dryness, product irritation and perhaps infection. 


Our cells have a more delicate barrier (membrane) than the skin barrier there to protect them. So we made The Biology Serum less barrier (and cell) toxic than water. Another first for those who need improved high quality moisturisation. 


The Biology Serum gives you all-day hydration and lets your skin breath healthily again. Its’ a natural approach to a better looking and functioning skin barrier that combats dryness. 

Scientific Evidence

Scientific Evidence

Less Toxic Than Skincare

Less Toxic Than Skincare

Less Toxic Than Skincare

An industry myth is that products can ‘go deep’ into the skin to help repair cells or produce collagen etc. so you look younger. They don’t. Skincare can’t get through a healthy skin barrier. 


If it did ‘go deep’, then it would kill those living cells - it’s cytotoxic. Skincare isn’t harmful to the dead protective surface layer, but it is to the living cells this barrier protects. 


Less advertised, is that products do pool in the pores (follicles) from which nano molecules can enter the body in tiny amounts considered ‘safe’. 


That’s why The Biology Serum is only made from cell-friendly skin-native ingredients. It’s another first for those who want effective beauty products without myths or issues. 

An industry myth is that products can ‘go deep’ into the skin to help repair cells or produce collagen etc. so you look younger. They don’t. Skincare can’t get through a healthy skin barrier. 


If it did ‘go deep’, then it would kill those living cells - it’s cytotoxic. Skincare isn’t harmful to the dead protective surface layer, but it is to the living cells this barrier protects. 


Less advertised, is that products do pool in the pores (follicles) from which nano molecules can enter the body in tiny amounts considered ‘safe’. 


That’s why The Biology Serum is only made from cell-friendly skin-native ingredients. It’s another first for those who want effective beauty products without myths or issues. 

© 2024 Actevna® Limited

© 2024 Actevna® Limited

© 2024 Actevna® Limited